Industrial Design

Students in the Industrial Design specialization take coursework focused on the creation of products, services, or systems in the larger context of the human experience, and with a special attention on sustainability, fabrication methods and selection of materials. Through their work, students validate user needs, communicate in teams, write project briefs, and create initial concept sketches and illustrations. Their work culminates with the production of three-dimensional prototypes to test their designs and gather feedback.

Our curriculum encourages creative thinking within an engineering education foundation. Students are trained to analyze complex problems, identify design opportunities, gather and evaluate user input, and apply best practices to arrive at engineered design solutions that meet the needs of end users. Through their coursework, students learn and refine essential industrial design skills, such as communicating with internal and external teams, validating preliminary design reviews, creating initial study models, drawing concepts, illustrating final renderings, building three-dimensional computer models and simulations. These building blocks allow them to arrive at a final prototype that is tested and that allows professors and other stakeholders to offer valuable feedback that puts in context their research and gained skills.

Industrial Design students complete their program as engineers with a deep understanding of industrial design processes and their social and ethical impact. They are trained to be resourceful in their choice of project materials, create environmentally responsible solutions, and produce aesthetically appealing results that prepare them to meet the needs of future clients in the context of real-world challenges.