Curriculum + Plans of Study

MDE General Overview

Students who graduate with an MDE major will receive a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree (B.S.E).

Students will discuss these with their advisor. Course selections will be based on the student's specific program of interest.  


First Semester 

Number  Name  Credits 
CHEM 1127Q  General Chemistry 1  4 
MATH 1131Q  Calculus 1  4 
ENGR 1000  Orientation to Engineering  1 
CSE 1010  Intro to Computing  3 
ENGL  Freshmen English  4 
   TOTAL  16 

Second Semester 

Number  Name  Credits 
CHEM 1128Q  General Chemistry 2  4 
MATH 1132Q  Calculus 2  4 
ENGR 1166  Foundations of Engineering  3 
CA1  Arts and Humanities  3 
CA2  Social Science  3 
   TOTAL  17 


First Semester 

Number  Name  Credits 
PHYS 1501Q  Engr. Physics 1  4 
MATH 2110Q   Multivariable Calc  4 
MSE 2001/2101  Intro to MSE I  3 
CHEG 2103  Intro to CHEG  3 
AREA  Area Elective  3 
   TOTAL  17 

Second Semester 

Number  Name  Credits 
PHYS 15012Q  Engr. Physics 2  4 
MATH 2410Q  Diff. Equations  3 
MSE 2002/2102  Intro to MSE II  3 
CE 2110  Mechanics 1  3 
AREA  Area Elective  3 
   TOTAL  16 


First Semester 

Number  Name  Credits 
ENGR/AREA  Thermal Sciences Elective or Area Elective  3 
CE/ENVE 3120  Fluid Mechanics  4 
ECE 2001  Electrical Circuits  4 
PHIL 1104  Ethics  3 
AREA  Area Elective  3 
   TOTAL  17 

Second Semester 

Number  Name  Credits 
ENGR/AREA  Thermal Sciences Elective or Area Elective  3 
STAT 3025  Statistical Methods  3 
CE 3110  Mechanics of Materials  3 
CA2  Social Sciences  3 
AREA  Area Elective  3 
   TOTAL  15 


First Semester 

Number  Name  Credits 
ENGR 4001  General Design I  3 
CA4  Diversity/Multicultural  3 
ENGR 2XXX  Engineering Elective 2000+  3 
ENGR 3XXX  ENGR Elective 3000+  3 
AREA  Area Elective  3 
   TOTAL  15 

Second Semester 

Number  Name  Credits 
ENGR 4002W  General Design 2  3 
CA4  Diversity/Multicultural  3 
ENGR 3XXX  ENGR Elective 3000+  3 
AREA  Area Elective  3 
AREA  Area Elective   3 
   TOTAL  15 

TOTAL DEGREE Credits 128