Required Courses: (24 credits)
ENGR/HRTS 2300: Engineering for Human Rights (CA2), ideally taken during the second semester of first year in the program – 3 Credits
3 Core Courses: one from each area (A, B, and C) – 9 Credits
6 credits of Area D-Sustainability coursework are needed and two additional courses (6 credits) that may be taken from any of the Core or Elective courses on the list below, including Engineering courses.
- Students are encouraged, but not required, to take a W course in Human Rights as part of the 24 credits.
- A capstone engineering design project (ENGR 4001 and ENGR 4002W) with strong HR content as approved by the MDE faculty advisory board and HRI Director, or Internship in HR (HRTS 4291) for students whose capstone design project does not have a significant HR theme. HRTS 4291 would count as one for the four “additional courses” above.
- Note: Students can elect to do both an HR-themed capstone and an HR internship if desired but must have at least one HR-themed experiential learning experience.
The MDE advising team will be responsible for ensuring that students successfully navigate the program requirements. The Human Rights undergraduate advising team will work with the students to identify experiential learning opportunities for students in the major.
Core Courses
A) Institutions and Laws
ANTH/HRTS 3230/W Propaganda, Disinformation, and Hate Speech
HIST/HRTS 3202 International Human Rights
HRTS 3050 Approaches to Human Rights Advocacy
HRTS 3055 Theory and Practice of International Criminal Justice
HRTS 3200/W International Human Rights Law
POLS/HRTS 3212 Comparative Perspectives on Human Rights
POLS/HRTS 3420 Being International – Geopolitics and Human Rights (study abroad)
POLS/HRTS 3428 The Politics of Torture
SOCI/HRTS 3831 Human Rights in the United States
SOCI/HRTS 3837/W Sociology of Global Human Rights
B) History, Philosophy and Theory
ANTH/HRTS 3326 Global Health and Human Rights
ANTH/HRTS/LLAS 3327 Power & Health in Latin America & the Caribbean
ENGL/HRTS 3631 Literature, Culture, and Humanitarianism
HIST/HRTS 3201 The History of Human Rights
HIST/HRTS 3207 Genocide after the Second World War
HIST/HRTS 3232 History of Refugees, Migration and Statelessness
HRTS 2100W: Human Rights and Social Change
HRTS/LLAS 2450: Human Rights in Latin America
HRTS 3460: Human Rights and Armed Conflict
HRTS/POLS 3042 The Theory of Human Rights
HRTS/PHIL 3220/W Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights
HRTS 3710 Islam and Human Rights
C) Applications and Methods
BADM or BLAW or HRTS 3252 Corporate Social Impact and Responsibility
BADM or BLAW or HRTS 3254 Business Solutions to Societal Challenges
DRAM/HRTS 3139 Theater and Human Rights
ENGR or HRTS 3257 Assessment for Human Rights Sustainability
ENGR 2XXX Engineering for HR (being added in Autumn 2021)
HRTS 3149/W Human Rights through Film
HRTS 3250/W Human Rights and New Technologies
HRTS 3475 Economic Development and Human Rights
HRTS 3540 Topics in Human Rights Practice
POLS/HRTS 3256/W Politics & Human Rights in Global Supply Chains
POLS/HRTS 3430 Evaluating Human Rights Practices of Countries
SOCI/HRTS 3835/W Refugee Camps and Humanitarianism
Note (not on the catalog copy)
HRTS 3293: International Study
HRTS 3295: Special Topics
HRTS 3298: Variable Topics
HRTS 3299: Independent Study
D) Elective Courses
Any HRTS course numbered 2000 or above
ANTH/HRTS 3028/W Indigenous Rights and Aboriginal Australia
ANTH 3153W Migration
ARTH/HRTS 3575 Human Rights and Visual Culture
ECON 3473/W Economic Development
ECON 2445/HRTS/WGSS 3445 Economic Foundations of Gender Inequality
EDCI 2100 Power, Privilege, and Public Education
GEOG 3240 Medical and Health Care Geography
HIST/AAAS 3531 Japanese Americans and World War II
HIST 3418 The Holocaust
HIST 3570 American Indian History
NRE 2600E Global Sustainable Natural Resources (CA4INT, E Lit)
PHIL/HRTS 2170W Bioethics and Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective
PHIL 2215/W Ethics
POLS/HRTS 3418/W International Organizations and Law
POLS/HRTS 3807 Constitutional Rights and Liberties
POLS 3240E Climate Justice
SOCI/AAAS 3222/HRTS 3573
SOCI/HRTS 3421/W Class, Power, and Inequality
SOCI/HRTS 3833 Topics in Sociology and Human Rights
SOCI/HRTS/AFRA 3505 White Racism
SOCI/HRTS/AFRA 3825 African Americans and Social Protest
WGSS/HRTS 2263; WGSS 2255, 3105, 3257, 3269.
F) Capstone Course (three credits) This course is only required for students whose Senior Design sequence does not have a strong human rights component. Any student can complete an HRI internship and have it count for elective credit.
HRTS 4291 (Service Learning/Internship)